This download only necessary if you never have installed Lexoulla before! Includes runtime files. This is the full packet. No need to download any of the other two versions if you choose this version. |
Latest program, help files and wordlists. Please note that if you make corrections or remarks in your copy of the database there is NO support in this version to transfer such notations into a never version. Maybe it will be in the future... This version only if you have installed Lexoulla and the runtime files once before and you are upgrading from an lower version. |
Download SetUp_Lexoulla_Lite program files only (zip1500 kb), program version 3.0.39 Latest program and help files but no wordlists! This version if you like to keep a present wordlist in which you have made corrections or remarks. Naturally also this version requires that you have installed Lexoulla and the runtime files once before. Also this version as an upgrading from a lower version. |
Download Swedish calendar "Bylings kalender" (zip
3943 kb)
Ny version (2005) med Nationaldagen den 6 juni som helgdag!
| Number of downloads is a total. Not only the present version.
Checked: 12 december 2014. Due to server change some scripts was gone. Downloads are now possible again..